How does Michael Jackson make us believe he's bad?
From his album cover of Bad there are many aspects of the album cover which make us believe that Michael Jackson is Bad.
The title of the Album, 'Bad' is written in the colour red which connotes: blood, danger, crime and passion. Also the word 'Bad' is written in a style of graffiti which usually written on streets, car parks and very damp areas.
As you can see in the album cover Michael is wearing mascara which make his eyes stand out and put emphasis on his eyes. This makes the audience look at his face straight away and his facial expressions are very serious and tough, to make him stand out.
The word 'Bad' could also connate a care free attitude. The front of album cover is a medium long shot to show is posture as 'cool' guy.
The contrast between the background and the writing is a contrast of colours, black and white.
Black usually connotes bad and white connotes good, the contrast between the two colour's and Michael wearing black shows he wants to be shown bad.
It was only when we watched the extended video, it seemed as though Michael was trying to express his anger through his dance.
The use of non digetic and digetic music makes the video more effective and entertaining to watch.
Overall I felt as though by watching the video Bad it was very effective and I will take it into consideration of my Digi Pack and that it is necessary to have a strong and forceful album cover to attract the audience.